7 Perks of Hiring Freelance Web Developers

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As a business, it can be an easy option to go with either hiring your own web developer specifically for your company or settling for a web development company. Both of these are traditionally considered more reliable options, however, in the modern business world, the benefits of going with a freelance web developer seem to outweigh the negatives.

The freelancing world has skyrocketed in popularity simply because of the results it provides – not to mention the cheaper nature of the hiring process! When hiring a self-employed freelancer, the overhead costs of hiring as an employee or hiring as an outsourced firm disappear – plus, traditional web design companies just don’t have the extent of flexibility and adaptation that a freelancer web developer has.

So, here are seven simple perks of hiring freelance web developers that will make you want to search the market right now!

1: Reduction in Cost

The majority of freelance web developers work from home or space where they have little to no overhead costs. Often, the savings that hiring a freelancer creates, can be transferred across into other elements of your project or business. On the other hand, a web design company would have extra overhead costs – such as rent – which would then be partially passed on to those that employ them (you) as part of their fees.

As Hannah Waters (a tech blogger at Write My X and Nextcoursework), commented, “A freelancer is not an employee, so the hidden costs of health insurance, vacation pay, and other bits don’t exist!”

All a freelance web developer needs, are their laptop and a strong Wi-Fi connection – which, overall, saves a lot of money.

2: Ease of Communication

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With web development companies, there is usually either an account manager, secretary or communications manager who you need to go through first, in order to communicate with your actual web designer. Having communication and messages passed through multiple people before they actually reach the right person, can lead to slow progress and sometimes huge misunderstandings.

Whereas freelancers, they are their own manager! They act as the secretary, the accountant, the manager, and web developer all wrapped into one! This can make communication easier, reducing misunderstandings or silly mistakes and of course, save you plenty of time and reassurance in that your invoices are going to the right place. Direct contact and lack of loopholes are one of the biggest upsides freelancers offer to business. 

3: Increased Speed & Flexibility 

Web development companies follow the traditional nine to five – Monday to Friday work schedules. This can be restrictive, making it difficult to get rushed deadlines and quick projects adhered to in this rigid and strict time schedule.

Jessica Reyes, (a tech writer at Britstudent), noted that “A freelance web developer can work whatever hours you require and agree on, but it’s important to establish with them beforehand your and their requirements for time spent. The result of this is almost always positive, as both parties are kept well informed.” Speed and flexibility are great perks of freelance web developers, which often aren’t made as easy when hiring a company.

4: Dedication 

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While web development companies will always have multiple projects on the go at any one time, with their main goal being as many conversions as possible, freelancers will probably only have one or, at most, a few projects occurring simultaneously.

A freelancing web developer is only one person – so it’s unlikely for them to have more than three projects competing for their focus at any one time. This means that your company and project would receive more dedication, time and thought than what it would with a standard web development company.

5: Hire & Pay for Exactly what you Need

When your business hires a company for web development, you will often have to pay for access to resources and skills – often time those you may not actually need. However, paying for a freelance web developer will allow you to pick and choose the exact expertise and resources you require.

Ultimately, this reduces wasted money on things that are not pertinent to your project, not to mention a clear understanding of where your money is being spent and why.

6: Access to Network

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Freelancers have to network, building relationships with other freelancers who have a similar skill set to their own. This allows them to have top-quality insight into projects that are relevant for their skills, as well as a chance to market themselves to the right people. For example, a freelance web developer building a website may need connections who work in search engine optimisation.

This means that you are not only hiring a freelancer – you’re also gaining temporary access to their network too.

7: Innovative Practices

In a web design company, the likelihood is that there are a strict set of rules or an expected way of doing business that is strongly adhered to. These practices are expected to be followed no matter what the project – often limiting the creative process that goes into web development.

Freelancer web developers, on the other hand, are much less tied down by procedure and are more open to innovative and fresh ideas. Freelancers like web developers are always looking to grow and develop their skills, ultimately allowing them to expand on the services that they offer. A less restrictive practice and free-flowing regime usually results in immense growth within the quality of their work.

Let’s wrap it up

Hiring a freelance web developer could be the best thing for your business – whether you’re a startup with a restrictive budget, a large corporation looking to reduce costs or a freelancer yourself!

Outsourcing with a freelancer isn’t like outsourcing with a specialist company – freelancers are individual and manage all of their own duties. No risk of miscommunication or hidden fees, with a freelancer, you know exactly what you’re paying for – start to finish – as well as having the luxury of browsing for a freelancing expert who does exactly what you want.


Kendra Beckley

Kendra Beckley is an online business development manager and content magazine editor for Write My Dissertation and Essay Help. She works by assisting companies looking to enter a new market or build long-term relationships with other businesses - she also writes articles on various topics for Dissertation Writing Service.