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Twine Business

Save time finding the perfect freelancer with Twine Business. Promotion, sourcing and vetting.

$250 per day (USD)
"Do not feed the ducks" Hello! I'm a college student with a passion for making music whether or not it's really that good! Whether or not you truly enjoy my work, I appreciate any support or advice if you have any. Either way, I truly hope you enjoy it! Thanks!! -Gentleman Overlord Please give me credit if you use any of my material. I do this for fun and I'd like people to be able to check out my stuff to see if they like it. ;) By the way, I plugged my name into a Wu-Tang name generator and got Gentleman Overlord so I made it my name here because I really liked it. The more ya know, the less you care about what I just told you. I know this is a lot to ask from less than 30 people, but if any of you are artistic and would be willing to make me something creative and eye-catching for my image/banner I'd appreciate it! Email: _<Email available after hire>_ * * * Headphone graphic by Flaticon from Freepik
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vulputate rhoncus. Mauris In vitae accumsan quam. Pellentesque convallis nisl vitae nisl tincidunt, ut aliquam velit bibendum. Nullam eget sagittis est. Vivamus sit amet finibus nunc. Nam eu mauris commodo, tempor tortor id, rutrum purus. Praesent condimentum ullamcorper fringilla. Aliquam erat volutpat.

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