Videographer and editor for a personal interview video in Barcelona

πŸ’° Negotiable
πŸ“ Spain
Mijndert & Alessandro
Based in Amsterdam, Netherlands
Last online 2 months ago

Videographer is needed in Spain.

I am looking for a skilled videographer and editor for a personal project in Barcelona, Spain. The project involves creating an interview-style video for an LGBT surrogacy initiative, which will include some B-roll footage to give a personal touch and showcase our life. The expert should be available for a day or two and must have a senior level of experience in videography and editing.

We are open to receiving offers for this single job, and the selected professional will be required on location for part of the project.

In what capacity are you hiring?
As an individual for a personal project

Where are you in the hiring process?
I will possibly make a paid hire

Is this an independent one off job, or part of a larger project?
Single job with no follow up work

For what period of time will the freelancer be needed?
A day or two

What freelancer experience level is needed? (per hour)
Mid-level (Industry Average): $35-75, Senior: $75-100, Expert: $100+

Client contact preference:
- On Twine (contact details private)
Posted 2 months ago

No longer accepting applications

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