Videographer - raw clips only
Videographer is needed in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
I need a videographer for a few hours in Amsterdam to shoot raw video clips for our bingo events. We are looking for 40-50 clips, each lasting between 15 to 60 seconds. The main focus is on capturing guests having fun, dancing, and participating in karaoke. It’s important that the videographer moves around the crowd to find the best angles and moments, especially those showcasing audience engagement and excitement.
Good lighting is essential, as we want the footage to be bright and lively. Previous examples of the desired style can be found on TikTok, showcasing the type of energy and interactions we want to capture. This project may lead to additional work in the future based on performance.
In what capacity are you hiring?
On behalf of another company
Where are you in the hiring process?
I’m ready to make a paid hire
Is this an independent one off job, or part of a larger project?
Single job with follow up work
For what period of time will the freelancer be needed?
A few hours
What freelancer experience level is needed? (per hour)
Junior: $25-35, Mid-level (Industry Average): $35-75
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