I am Haneefa Ariefdien an Illustrator/Graphic Designer from South Africa grew up with a huge imagination and loved creating art through all types of mediums, I never had much and it worked to my advantage where most kids had toys and games I created my own using anything i could find around the house. I currently work as as a graphic designer, my primary responsibility is to create visual concepts and communicate ideas through various forms of design. I also worked as a Product Retoucher we worked under Silo, primary responsibility was to enhance and perfect product images through Adobe Photoshop. --- My mission is to secure fulfilling employment where I can leverage my skills, experience, and passion to make a meaningful contribution. I am committed to continuous growth and learning, always striving for excellence in my work and seeking opportunities to expand my knowledge and expertise. I have a strong work ethic and work well with others, I also aim to build strong professional relationships, collaborate effectively with colleagues, and exceed expectations in every role I undertake. I aspire to create a positive and lasting impact. **Employment and project experience** **Pagemaster Graphix Postion-Junior Graphic Designer/DTP (Design to Print) and Retoucher May 2021 - March 2024_


I am Haneefa Ariefdien an Illustrator/Graphic Designer from South Africa grew up with a huge imagination and loved creating art through all types of mediums, I never had much and it worked to my advantage where most kids had toys and games I created my own using anything i could find around the house. I currently work as as a graphic designer, my primary responsibility is to create visual concepts and communicate ideas through various forms of design. I also worked as a Product Retoucher we worked under Silo, primary responsibility was to enhance and perfect product images through Adobe Photoshop. --- My mission is to secure fulfilling employment where I can leverage my skills, experience, and passion to make a meaningful contribution. I am committed to continuous growth and learning, always striving for excellence in my work and seeking opportunities to expand my knowledge and expertise. I have a strong work ethic and work well with others, I also aim to build strong professional relationships, collaborate effectively with colleagues, and exceed expectations in every role I undertake. I aspire to create a positive and lasting impact. **Employment and project experience** **Pagemaster Graphix Postion-Junior Graphic Designer/DTP (Design to Print) and Retoucher May 2021 - March 2024_

Available to hire
credit-card $100 per day ($12.5 per hour)

I am Haneefa Ariefdien an Illustrator/Graphic Designer from South Africa

grew up with a huge imagination and loved creating art through all types of mediums, I never had much and it worked to my advantage where most kids had toys and games I created my own using anything i could find around the house.
I currently work as as a graphic designer, my primary responsibility is to create visual concepts and communicate ideas through various forms of design. I also worked as a Product Retoucher we worked under Silo, primary responsibility was to enhance and perfect product images through Adobe Photoshop.

My mission is to secure fulfilling employment where I can leverage my skills, experience, and passion to make a meaningful contribution. I am committed to continuous growth and learning, always striving for excellence in my work and seeking opportunities to expand my knowledge and expertise.
I have a strong work ethic and work well with others, I also aim to build strong professional relationships, collaborate effectively with colleagues, and exceed expectations in every role I undertake. I aspire to create a positive and lasting impact.

Employment and project experience

**Pagemaster Graphix
Postion-Junior Graphic Designer/DTP (Design to Print) and Retoucher
May 2021 - March 2024_

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Character Design
Childrens Book Illustration
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Experience Level

Character Design
Childrens Book Illustration
Book Illustration
Book Cover
Business Card
Fantasy Illustration
Comic Strip
Advert Design
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Industry Experience

    A Nature sprite by the name of Flora. Protea inspired Sprite for Gale of the Cape rides a dussie when she doesnt want to fly) her wings are leaves
    uniE621 Cozy Cabin
    Original Character Fern, Illustrated for xppenza contest titled fantasy world An in between of both line and lineless art illustrator
    uniE621 Journey
    My entry for a Clip studio paint fairy themed competition a lineless illustration with a fully illustrated background Unfortunaly I never won or was in any of the top picks but I learned how to create full illustrations with a background and the use of lighting illustration