I am a creative product designer and enjoy designing products that are equitable/ accessible, value-driven, delightful, and intuitive. I’m interested in the intersection of technology and psychology and how the physical and digital world converges and evolves. As someone who has a background in many areas of design such as set design, graphic design, physical product design, and UX design I look forward to pulling from all those areas of expertise to inform design decisions. I’m a lifelong learner and someone who loves to develop new skills when possible. After graduating OCAD I took a design research class and then a UX course to hone in on the skills learned at OCAD. I have 4+ years of experience in design thinking, accessible/equitable design, empathetic Design 2+ years of experience in user research and usability testing, UX design/ digital product design _Website not available. Sign in: https://www.twine.net/signup_

Lisa Weber

I am a creative product designer and enjoy designing products that are equitable/ accessible, value-driven, delightful, and intuitive. I’m interested in the intersection of technology and psychology and how the physical and digital world converges and evolves. As someone who has a background in many areas of design such as set design, graphic design, physical product design, and UX design I look forward to pulling from all those areas of expertise to inform design decisions. I’m a lifelong learner and someone who loves to develop new skills when possible. After graduating OCAD I took a design research class and then a UX course to hone in on the skills learned at OCAD. I have 4+ years of experience in design thinking, accessible/equitable design, empathetic Design 2+ years of experience in user research and usability testing, UX design/ digital product design _Website not available. Sign in: https://www.twine.net/signup_

Available to hire
credit-card $70 per day ($8.75 per hour)

I am a creative product designer and enjoy designing products that are equitable/ accessible, value-driven, delightful, and intuitive. I’m interested in the intersection of technology and psychology and how the physical and digital world converges and evolves.

As someone who has a background in many areas of design such as set design, graphic design, physical product design, and UX design I look forward to pulling from all those areas of expertise to inform design decisions.

I’m a lifelong learner and someone who loves to develop new skills when possible. After graduating OCAD I took a design research class and then a UX course to hone in on the skills learned at OCAD.

I have 4+ years of experience in design thinking, accessible/equitable design, empathetic Design

2+ years of experience in user research and usability testing, UX design/ digital product design
Website not available. Sign in: https://www.twine.net/signup

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Experience Level

Adobe Illustrator
Adobe XD
Freelance Gig
Adobe Photoshop




Bachelor of Design at OCAD University
April 15, 2021
Major in Industrial Design, where I learned how to apply human centred design practices to problem solving, whether it was with physical products, furniture design, graphic design and web design

Industry Experience

Consumer Goods, Education, Travel & Hospitality
    uniE621 Website Design Strategy
    For my client, who owns their own Italian restaurant, I created a book that outlined strategic changes which should be made to the website and outlined existing and proposed visual design approaches. The proposed changes are designed to generate more profit, convey the restaurants brand personality and increase ease of use within the website. graphicdesigner branding webdesigner UX UI strategy
    uniE621 Art Gallery of Ontario Interactive Art Info App
    Equal parts a UX/UI project and user research project, this assignment redesigns the art gallery experience for newcomers and frequent gallery goers. webdesigner designer ux ui webdesign branding To see this project in more detail visit https://www.twine.net/signin
    uniE621 Wedding Venue Website Redesign and Testimonial Submission Design
    In this project, I was tasked with designing a wedding venue website and optimizing its testimonial submission flow. In addition, I created new branding material and conducted user research to identify what potential clients were really looking for when deciding on a wedding venue. branding webdesigner designer UI UX graphicdesigner

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