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Daniel Claudin

Daniel C.

Madrid, Spain
Director of Photography, Photographer, Videographer
While I was studying, I started preparing myself for real life, so I began my career as a photographer and videographer, working with clothing brands and touring with mus...
Edoardo Premoli

Edoardo P.

Madrid, Spain
Soy fotógrafo y llevo más de 8 años trabajando en el mundo audiovisual. Nací en Italia y decidí mudarme a Madrid en 2017 para cursar un Máster de Fotografía Profesional e...
Josefina Cuneo

Josefina C.

Madrid, Spain
Video Editor, Photographer, Album Art Designer
I'm a freelancer who specializes in video editing, VJ creation and video mapping, photography, photo editing, and illustration. Abilities: Excellent interpersonal commu...


Madrid, Spain
Graphic Designer, Photographer, Illustrator
Hello. My name is Rafael Camarenna. I have worked in a wide range of fields related to communications and graphic design for more than 20 years. I have worked with advert...
David Varo

David V.

Madrid, Spain
Video Editor, Film Producer, Photographer
Hello everyone, my name is David. I am looking forward to work collaborative with people by meeting their wants and helping them with anything, when it comes to video edi...


Madrid, Spain
Photographer, Video Editor, Writer
Hi, My name is Eva Filgueira. I work as a freelance photographer and video editor since more than 10 years ago. Magnum Photos for multimedia production or Save the C...

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We have over 14,500 photographers who've worked in many different industries and cover various styles and skillsets.
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"Working with Twine enabled us to scale projects quicker than before and the Twine Business makes it so easy to manage and pay contractors over the world."
-Josh Bolland
CEO, J B Cole
"I found an amazing designer and she's fast. I now send her my ideas and she transforms them into great design. The collaboration is fast, professional and easy. It feels like she is already part of our team."
Headshot of Achim Kohli
-Achim Kohli
CEO, Legal-i
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About Photographers

A great branding or product photograph can bring professional polish to your business and help set you apart from the competition. Unlike with stock photos, you won't have to worry that everyone else is using that same shot. Plus, a good DSLR shot with the proper lighting equipment will look so much better than a blurry iPhone photo.

Professional photographers use artificial and/or natural lighting to snap pictures of products, people, places or whatever you need. Photographers typically either focus on studio work, or specialise in outdoor, location based work.

On Twine, you'll find talented professional photographers to photograph whatever product, branding or other content you need.

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