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5 am prayer for Wednesday, October 5, 2016 #audio #acoustic


This is an invitation. In the morning, Monday through Friday beginning at 5:00AM PST; we listen to a prayer call. Holy Spirit literally speaks on the call. Dr. Baker presides over the call, and many receive instructions for the day. You are invited to join the call. The only agenda is The Father’s will be done.

Please call 5 minutes before the beginning - 4:55AM PST. We ask that you put your phone on mute, per the instructions below. We want to honor God, by honoring the blood of Jesus, and not grieving Holy Spirit.

Monday through Friday
Please call
enter conference ID 9454439#
Then press *6 to mute your phone
The call begins at 5:00AM PST

It’s known as the 5AM prayer call, because the call originates in California, and they begin at 5:00AM PST


In September 2013, Dr. Baker told her congregation ‘that The Lord asked her if she would meet him in the morning at 5:00AM to pray, beginning on October 1st.’ She agreed, and while telling us, also invited anyone else who wanted to join her. October 1, 2013 was the beginning of what we now call the 5AM prayer call.

Dr. Baker’s time of intimacy has also become our time of intimacy. Elohim himself, has been faithful to give insights, instructions, rebukes, corrections, and everything else that we need as the Day that Jesus returns to Earth draws closer and closer.

God instructed us all to be holy as he is holy, and Holy Spirit is instructing us, teaching us, training us, on how to be holy. Please participate in our prayer call, and please invite others.
If you have any questions, please contact Audrey Champion, our administrator for both More Than Enough Ministries and Astounding Love! A Church Fellowship

Thank you

Audrey Champion
Astounding Love! A Church Fellowship
1914 Trade Zone Boulevard
San Jose, CA 95131