"Passionate and skilled Audio Production Engineer with a strong background in creating high-quality sound productions. With a keen ear for detail and a dedication to technical excellence, I specialize in recording, mixing, and mastering audio across various platforms. Proficient in using industry-standard equipment and software, I strive to bring the vision of artists and clients to life through innovative sound engineering techniques. With a commitment to delivering top-notch audio experiences, I aim to enhance every project I work on with creativity and precision." --- Employment and project experience Project Manager, Executive Producer, Mixing and Mastering Engineer.

Joel Najite

"Passionate and skilled Audio Production Engineer with a strong background in creating high-quality sound productions. With a keen ear for detail and a dedication to technical excellence, I specialize in recording, mixing, and mastering audio across various platforms. Proficient in using industry-standard equipment and software, I strive to bring the vision of artists and clients to life through innovative sound engineering techniques. With a commitment to delivering top-notch audio experiences, I aim to enhance every project I work on with creativity and precision." --- Employment and project experience Project Manager, Executive Producer, Mixing and Mastering Engineer.

Available to hire
credit-card $250 per day ($31.25 per hour)

“Passionate and skilled Audio Production Engineer with a strong background in creating high-quality sound productions. With a keen ear for detail and a dedication to technical excellence, I specialize in recording, mixing, and mastering audio across various platforms. Proficient in using industry-standard equipment and software, I strive to bring the vision of artists and clients to life through innovative sound engineering techniques. With a commitment to delivering top-notch audio experiences, I aim to enhance every project I work on with creativity and precision.”

Employment and project experience

Project Manager, Executive Producer, Mixing and Mastering Engineer.

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Bsc Building at Federal University of Technology Minna, Niger State, Nigeria
May 13, 2008

Industry Experience

Professional Services, Real Estate & Construction
    A Project aimed at helping talented up-comers in the christian gospel music industry who don't have the technical knowledge of what the industry entails, to co-write, compose, edit and showcase their musical abilities. The project indeed helped the individual artiste to kick-start their music ambitions on a solid foundation.