Sabo-fx - Retreau

Published by Joost Kuin

  • 1 credits

Part of a collection of my tracks for which I created a music video on youtube.

You can check out my other flickz @

Retreau Background info:
I first came up with the melody of this song in 2003 while riding the metro (subway) to work. I remember being afraid of forgetting the notes so I hummed the tune to my own voicemail. Once back at home, I checked my voicemail after which I recorded the basic melody into (an ancient version of) Cakewalk Sonar. I named the track ‘Metro’. But I never found the time/inspiration to finish her. But recently, while f*cking around with the C64/SID Expansion pack of Nexus VST I dug her up in search for a melody to play with. I was surprised how well the raw 8 bit SID sounds fitted the song and decided to finally finish the job.
I wasn’t really satisfied with the working title ‘Metro’ and renamed her to ‘Retro’ which fits better with the oldskewl sound. The problem with a title like ‘Retro’ is that it might suggest that the video would also be old pr0n. So I decided to mess with the name a bit more and came up with ‘Retreau’. In part to appeal to my French audience who seem to have liked the previous video. (Youtube ‘Insight’ stats are the bomb!).

Audio/Video software used: (no hardware synth)

  • Cakewalk Sonar 8.5.3 (and 5.x back in 2003)
  • Adobe Audition 3
  • VST Re-FX Nexus 2 (SID Expansion pack)
  • VST Stylus RMX

#audio #Techno Trance