Graduated summa cum laude from Berklee College of Music and Columbia College Chicago. Two decades of music performance. Experienced in drums, guitar, bass, piano, and singing. Live event recording engineer for northwestern Chicagoland school districts. Continuously expanding proficiency in a variety of multimedia technologies. Music Technology Teacher Pioneered the launch of the school's first-ever Music Technology program, crafting a comprehensive curriculum centered around pattern recognition to enhance understanding of music theory. Introduced students to MIDI piano and guided their initial foray into musical arrangement creation, emphasizing essential Digital Audio Workstation techniques and foundational song structure principles, thereby cultivating an engaging and enriching learning atmosphere. Recording Studio Teacher & Advisor Designed and implemented state-of-the-art music studio facilities, customizing curricula for three specialized classes: Music Theory and Production, Guitar, and Drumline. Concurrently served as a teacher, advisor, and in-house recording studio engineer, providing comprehensive support across multiple roles. Directed student projects and orchestrated multimedia productions for diverse school events. Assistant Audio Engineer Engaged as a contractor for the recording of "Happy Family," a radio drama slated for National Public Radio broadcast. Orchestrated effective communication channels between the owner-operator and voice talent, fostering seamless collaboration and a streamlined recording experience. Oversaw microphone selection, positioning, and methodically fine-tuned signal quality in order to achieve the desired audio aesthetics. Pass Program Teaching Assistant Chosen by the head of studio operations at Columbia College Chicago, in conjunction with the Center for Community Arts Partnerships, to assume the role of student teacher for the 2015 Spring Semester. Led captivating and dynamic instruction aimed at providing in-depth Digital Audio Workstation knowledge to high school-aged youths from various urban Chicagoland communities. Freelance Audio Engineer Operated a private practice as a freelance audio engineer, catering to the needs of local talent in the Chicagoland area. Offered comprehensive services in studio recording, live sound recording, composing, producing, sequencing, editing, mixing, and mastering, encompassing the entire process of transforming live musical performances into high-quality professional-grade digital media. Private Music Instructor Implemented outreach strategies to attract students through partnerships with local music stores and school music programs. Customized instruction to accommodate each student's individual proficiency, interests, and developmental requirements. Facilitated collaborative learning opportunities where students engaged with experienced musicians from diverse instruments, fostering communication and teamwork skills.



Graduated summa cum laude from Berklee College of Music and Columbia College Chicago. Two decades of music performance. Experienced in drums, guitar, bass, piano, and singing. Live event recording engineer for northwestern Chicagoland school districts. Continuously expanding proficiency in a variety of multimedia technologies. Music Technology Teacher Pioneered the launch of the school's first-ever Music Technology program, crafting a comprehensive curriculum centered around pattern recognition to enhance understanding of music theory. Introduced students to MIDI piano and guided their initial foray into musical arrangement creation, emphasizing essential Digital Audio Workstation techniques and foundational song structure principles, thereby cultivating an engaging and enriching learning atmosphere. Recording Studio Teacher & Advisor Designed and implemented state-of-the-art music studio facilities, customizing curricula for three specialized classes: Music Theory and Production, Guitar, and Drumline. Concurrently served as a teacher, advisor, and in-house recording studio engineer, providing comprehensive support across multiple roles. Directed student projects and orchestrated multimedia productions for diverse school events. Assistant Audio Engineer Engaged as a contractor for the recording of "Happy Family," a radio drama slated for National Public Radio broadcast. Orchestrated effective communication channels between the owner-operator and voice talent, fostering seamless collaboration and a streamlined recording experience. Oversaw microphone selection, positioning, and methodically fine-tuned signal quality in order to achieve the desired audio aesthetics. Pass Program Teaching Assistant Chosen by the head of studio operations at Columbia College Chicago, in conjunction with the Center for Community Arts Partnerships, to assume the role of student teacher for the 2015 Spring Semester. Led captivating and dynamic instruction aimed at providing in-depth Digital Audio Workstation knowledge to high school-aged youths from various urban Chicagoland communities. Freelance Audio Engineer Operated a private practice as a freelance audio engineer, catering to the needs of local talent in the Chicagoland area. Offered comprehensive services in studio recording, live sound recording, composing, producing, sequencing, editing, mixing, and mastering, encompassing the entire process of transforming live musical performances into high-quality professional-grade digital media. Private Music Instructor Implemented outreach strategies to attract students through partnerships with local music stores and school music programs. Customized instruction to accommodate each student's individual proficiency, interests, and developmental requirements. Facilitated collaborative learning opportunities where students engaged with experienced musicians from diverse instruments, fostering communication and teamwork skills.

Available to hire
credit-card $300 per day ($37.5 per hour)

Graduated summa cum laude from Berklee College of Music and Columbia College Chicago. Two decades of music performance. Experienced in drums, guitar, bass, piano, and singing. Live event recording engineer for northwestern Chicagoland school districts. Continuously expanding proficiency in a variety of multimedia technologies.

Music Technology Teacher

Pioneered the launch of the school’s first-ever Music Technology program, crafting a comprehensive curriculum centered around pattern recognition to enhance understanding of music theory. Introduced students to MIDI piano and guided their initial foray into musical arrangement creation, emphasizing essential Digital Audio Workstation techniques and foundational song structure principles, thereby cultivating an engaging and enriching learning atmosphere.

Recording Studio Teacher & Advisor

Designed and implemented state-of-the-art music studio facilities, customizing curricula for three specialized classes: Music Theory and Production, Guitar, and Drumline. Concurrently served as a teacher, advisor, and in-house recording studio engineer, providing comprehensive support across multiple roles. Directed student projects and orchestrated multimedia productions for diverse school events.

Assistant Audio Engineer

Engaged as a contractor for the recording of “Happy Family,” a radio drama slated for National Public Radio broadcast. Orchestrated effective communication channels between the owner-operator and voice talent, fostering seamless collaboration and a streamlined recording experience. Oversaw microphone selection, positioning, and methodically fine-tuned signal quality in order to achieve the desired audio aesthetics.

Pass Program Teaching Assistant

Chosen by the head of studio operations at Columbia College Chicago, in conjunction with the Center for Community Arts Partnerships, to assume the role of student teacher for the 2015 Spring Semester. Led captivating and dynamic instruction aimed at providing in-depth Digital Audio Workstation knowledge to high school-aged youths from various urban Chicagoland communities.

Freelance Audio Engineer

Operated a private practice as a freelance audio engineer, catering to the needs of local talent in the Chicagoland area. Offered comprehensive services in studio recording, live sound recording, composing, producing, sequencing, editing, mixing, and mastering, encompassing the entire process of transforming live musical performances into high-quality professional-grade digital media.

Private Music Instructor

Implemented outreach strategies to attract students through partnerships with local music stores and school music programs. Customized instruction to accommodate each student’s individual proficiency, interests, and developmental requirements. Facilitated collaborative learning opportunities where students engaged with experienced musicians from diverse instruments, fostering communication and teamwork skills.

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Experience Level

Pro Tools
Propellerhead Reason
Ableton Live
Backing Vocal
Lead Vocal


Spanish; Castilian


Associate's Degree: General Studies at College of Lake County
August 1, 2009 - July 1, 2011
Graduated Cum Laude 3.500 GPA
Bachelor's Degree: Audio Design and Production at Columbia College Chicago
January 1, 2014 - December 1, 2015
Graduated Summa Cum Laude 4.00 GPA
Master Certificate: Music Production and Technology at Berklee College of Music
September 1, 2011 - April 1, 2013
Graduated Summa Cum Laude 3.975 GPA


Avid Authorized Training: Pro Tools 101
April 1, 2012 - January 1, 2030
Avid Authorized Training: Pro Tools 110
June 1, 2012 - January 1, 2030
The Louis Armstrong Jazz Award
June 1, 2004 - January 1, 2030
"In recognition of outstanding achievement by an instrumentalist in the field of jazz, as demonstrated through superior musicianship, character, and individual creativity."

Industry Experience

Education, Financial Services, Media & Entertainment, Retail
    uniE613 Full Resume: Profile, Experience, Additional Skills, Select Accomplishments
    Graduated summa cum laude from Berklee College of Music and Columbia College Chicago. Five years of professional teaching experience in grades 5-12, supplemented by eight years of private instruction in guitar and percussion. Completed student teaching with a focus on music industry standard software. Two decades of music performance. Live event recording engineer for northwestern Chicagoland school districts. Continuously expanding proficiency in multimedia computer technologies.
    This link will take you to the portfolio page of my digital press kit. Here you can see a list of the services I offer, testimonials, a portfolio of my various works in multimedia, as well as my travel blog: a cross-country music-studio-hopping road trip featuring interviews with established small business owners in the music industry.
    This link will take you to the composing page of the music production section of my portfolio. The heart of every melody begins with the skillful craft of composing. Composers are the creative visionaries who craft melodies, harmonies, and arrangements, breathing life into abstract ideas and emotions. With a deep understanding of musical theory and an innate sense of creativity, composers translate inspiration into tangible musical pieces. Their role is to conceive the blueprint upon which the entire production process unfolds, setting the stage for the collaborative effort that follows.
    This link will take you to the recording page of the music production section of my portfolio. Enter the recording engineer, the architect of sonic captures. Their domain is the studio, where they harness cutting-edge technology and technical expertise to capture performances with clarity and precision. Engineers work closely with artists and producers, ensuring that each note, chord, and lyric is faithfully preserved in its most pure form. From selecting microphones and setting up equipment, to overseeing the recording process, they are the guardians of audio integrity, and lay the groundwork for the subsequent stages of production.
    This link will take you to the producing page of the music production section of my portfolio. Here we venture into the realm of being a music producer. At the crossover of creation and realization, producers are the driving force behind the scenes. This role is multifaceted, it covers creative direction, management, and technical oversight. Producers collaborate closely with artists and composers to shape the overall sound and direction of a project, drawing upon their musical intuition and industry expertise to bring out the best in each composition. From arranging instrumentation to coaching performances and making critical decisions, producers serve as the linchpin that holds the entire production process together.
    This link will take you to the mixing page of the music production section of my portfolio. We now enter mixing territory, where every detail is carefully polished and woven together to create a seamless product. As the journey of each song progresses, mixing engineers step into the spotlight to assist with sculpting and refining the sonic layout. Armed with an array of tools and techniques, mixing engineers balance individual tracks, adjust levels, equalization, and spatial placement to achieve clarity, balance, and cohesion. This role is not unlike being an audio sculptor, molding separate elements into a unified whole, ensuring that every instrument and voice occupies its rightful place in the audible spectrum. Through the careful manipulation of dynamics, timbre, and spatialization, mixing engineers breathe life into raw audio recordings, imbuing them with added depth, dimension, and emotions.
    This link will take you to the mastering page of the music production section of my portfolio. At the final stage of the production process stands the mastering engineer, the arbiter of sonic perfection. Their task is to polish the finished mix to its fullest potential, optimizing levels, dynamics, and tonal balance for maximum impact across any playback system. Drawing upon a keen ear for detail and their deep understanding of audio technology, mastering engineers apply the finishing touch that elevate a recording from good to great. Through careful processing and critical listening, they ensure that the music will translate seamlessly to any environment, ready to captivate listeners with its clarity, power, and presence.