379 grooving by (prime) numbers (disquiet0296)

Published by DD

  • 1 credits

Created for Disquiet Junto Project 0296: Clustered Primes
the source material for this week’s project is a list of prime numbers. The list is the result of a contest that novelist Robin Sloan Ran recently.
I noticed that the prime numbers with more than one digit always end with 1-3-7 or 9. I decided to make some kind of pattern out of that;
So I took a 3 bar groove with three different time signatures; 3/4 + 7/4 + 9/4
Downloaded from freesound.org a human voice counting numbers, by mistake my first download was in Japanese, I couldn’t help keeping it. The JP voice is combined with an English human metronome counting down the irregular signature.
Then gradually transformed the mood of the groove (without altering the 3-7-9 beat pattern) to make it a more sequential-repetitive little track. The drums come back in the end but are superfluous for the most of the tracks IMHO.

Electric piano, samples, drums, synth bass, synths.
Created in Paris, France, 1st September 2017.



More on this 296th weekly Disquiet Junto project — Clustered Primes: Make music inspired by a prime-number query initiated by novelist Robin Sloan — at:



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