I am an accomplished Creative Digital Marketing Strategist based in New York, currently driving impactful marketing initiatives for a boutique marketing and advertising agency. With a proven track record of success, I specialize in developing and implementing data-driven strategies that have resulted in a remarkable 20% improvement in campaign performance. Leading cross-functional teams, I have crafted compelling and visually appealing content, contributing to a 25% increase in brand visibility and recognition. My expertise extends to A/B testing methodologies, where I have optimized ad creatives and messaging, leading to a 15% lift in click-through rates and a significant 20% improvement in conversion rates. I have successfully crafted and executed comprehensive social media strategies, achieving a remarkable 40% increase in follower engagement and driving a 25% growth in organic reach within a six-month period. In addition to my current role, I have honed my skills through diverse experiences, such as freelance recipe development and food photography with MoodFood, where I successfully communicated brand voices through creative recipes and social media campaigns. As a Marketing Intern at Fly Louie, I contributed to multi-channel content development, managed email marketing campaigns, and provided valuable input to brand strategy. I possess a keen understanding of social media dynamics, evident in my role at Deodato.co and my freelance work. I've managed and curated engaging content calendars, utilizing platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to strategically amplify brand messaging. Through MoodFood, I orchestrated social media-centered promotions to increase website traffic, showcasing my ability to seamlessly integrate social media strategies into broader marketing initiatives. At Champions for Philanthropy, I managed the Instagram account of a notable client, professional basketball player Wendell Carter Jr., specifically overseeing the account of his charity, A Platform Squared. This experience involved creating eye-catching, multi-platform content and infographics using Adobe Illustrator and Canva, emphasizing my skills in digital communication and content creation. In my international stint as a PR and Marketing Intern at The Cru in Sydney, Australia, I not only managed social media accounts but also contributed to carefully designed content on platforms like Instagram and Facebook. I tracked metrics and social engagement, calculating key indicators such as KPI to gauge the success of campaigns. With a comprehensive background in social media management, I bring a nuanced understanding of platforms and trends, coupled with a strategic mindset, to enhance the digital presence and engagement for any brand or agency.

I am an accomplished Creative Digital Marketing Strategist based in New York, currently driving impactful marketing initiatives for a boutique marketing and advertising agency. With a proven track record of success, I specialize in developing and implementing data-driven strategies that have resulted in a remarkable 20% improvement in campaign performance. Leading cross-functional teams, I have crafted compelling and visually appealing content, contributing to a 25% increase in brand visibility and recognition. My expertise extends to A/B testing methodologies, where I have optimized ad creatives and messaging, leading to a 15% lift in click-through rates and a significant 20% improvement in conversion rates. I have successfully crafted and executed comprehensive social media strategies, achieving a remarkable 40% increase in follower engagement and driving a 25% growth in organic reach within a six-month period. In addition to my current role, I have honed my skills through diverse experiences, such as freelance recipe development and food photography with MoodFood, where I successfully communicated brand voices through creative recipes and social media campaigns. As a Marketing Intern at Fly Louie, I contributed to multi-channel content development, managed email marketing campaigns, and provided valuable input to brand strategy. I possess a keen understanding of social media dynamics, evident in my role at Deodato.co and my freelance work. I've managed and curated engaging content calendars, utilizing platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to strategically amplify brand messaging. Through MoodFood, I orchestrated social media-centered promotions to increase website traffic, showcasing my ability to seamlessly integrate social media strategies into broader marketing initiatives. At Champions for Philanthropy, I managed the Instagram account of a notable client, professional basketball player Wendell Carter Jr., specifically overseeing the account of his charity, A Platform Squared. This experience involved creating eye-catching, multi-platform content and infographics using Adobe Illustrator and Canva, emphasizing my skills in digital communication and content creation. In my international stint as a PR and Marketing Intern at The Cru in Sydney, Australia, I not only managed social media accounts but also contributed to carefully designed content on platforms like Instagram and Facebook. I tracked metrics and social engagement, calculating key indicators such as KPI to gauge the success of campaigns. With a comprehensive background in social media management, I bring a nuanced understanding of platforms and trends, coupled with a strategic mindset, to enhance the digital presence and engagement for any brand or agency.

Available to hire
credit-card $200 per day ($25 per hour)

I am an accomplished Creative Digital Marketing Strategist based in New York, currently driving impactful marketing initiatives for a boutique marketing and advertising agency. With a proven track record of success, I specialize in developing and implementing data-driven strategies that have resulted in a remarkable 20% improvement in campaign performance. Leading cross-functional teams, I have crafted compelling and visually appealing content, contributing to a 25% increase in brand visibility and recognition.

My expertise extends to A/B testing methodologies, where I have optimized ad creatives and messaging, leading to a 15% lift in click-through rates and a significant 20% improvement in conversion rates. I have successfully crafted and executed comprehensive social media strategies, achieving a remarkable 40% increase in follower engagement and driving a 25% growth in organic reach within a six-month period.

In addition to my current role, I have honed my skills through diverse experiences, such as freelance recipe development and food photography with MoodFood, where I successfully communicated brand voices through creative recipes and social media campaigns. As a Marketing Intern at Fly Louie, I contributed to multi-channel content development, managed email marketing campaigns, and provided valuable input to brand strategy.

I possess a keen understanding of social media dynamics, evident in my role at Deodato.co and my freelance work. I’ve managed and curated engaging content calendars, utilizing platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to strategically amplify brand messaging. Through MoodFood, I orchestrated social media-centered promotions to increase website traffic, showcasing my ability to seamlessly integrate social media strategies into broader marketing initiatives.

At Champions for Philanthropy, I managed the Instagram account of a notable client, professional basketball player Wendell Carter Jr., specifically overseeing the account of his charity, A Platform Squared. This experience involved creating eye-catching, multi-platform content and infographics using Adobe Illustrator and Canva, emphasizing my skills in digital communication and content creation.

In my international stint as a PR and Marketing Intern at The Cru in Sydney, Australia, I not only managed social media accounts but also contributed to carefully designed content on platforms like Instagram and Facebook. I tracked metrics and social engagement, calculating key indicators such as KPI to gauge the success of campaigns.

With a comprehensive background in social media management, I bring a nuanced understanding of platforms and trends, coupled with a strategic mindset, to enhance the digital presence and engagement for any brand or agency.

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Social Media Design
Pitch Deck
Email Marketing
Adobe Lightroom
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Experience Level

Social Media Design
Pitch Deck
Email Marketing
Adobe Lightroom
Presentation Design



Industry Experience

Travel & Hospitality, Non-Profit Organization, Media & Entertainment, Consumer Goods, Transportation & Logistics


Social Media Design
Pitch Deck
Email Marketing
Adobe Lightroom
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Experience Level

Social Media Design
Pitch Deck
Email Marketing
Adobe Lightroom
Presentation Design