TWELVE18 Media: Freelance Videographer

πŸ’° Negotiable
πŸ“ New York, United States
Twine Jobs
Based in Manchester, United Kingdom
Last online 11 days ago

Videographer is needed in New York, United States.

This job has been crawled from the web.

Client: TWELVE18 Media

Location: New York, NY

Contract: Contractor

Seeking student videographer to film testimonials and b-roll for reality docu-series on interns.

  • Must have own camera and audio equipment.
  • Must be based in NYC and have own transportation.
  • Submit reel of work and equipment list.
  • Starts immediately. July - August 2023
  • Nominal flat fee $400


  • Filming: 2 years (Preferred)
Posted a year ago

No longer accepting applications

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