
thinkful – WTF is Data Scince?

Published by Pablo Espinosa

  • 1 credits

The Thinkful team commissioned a long-form editorial story about data science called simply: “WTF is Data Science?”. Our solution took most people’s immediate reaction to the words “data” and “science” (boring and confusing) and flipped that on its head. We aimed for a design that was bold, confident, entertaining and interactive.

I #artdirected this project and also created most of the #artwork and #animation, I worked closely with my team of developers and 3D artist in order to foster a creative environment of collaboration that resulted in a tightly designed outcome that runs super smoothly and was achieved in a relatively short timeframe.

This project has won an Awwward Site of the Day, a CSS Design Award and will be featured in a book by Sandu Publishing called Interactive Design for Screen.

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