Jesus Walks (Again)

Published by C.Kalebtoday

  • 1 credits

This song was the result of a flash of creativity after a few weeks of nothing coming to my mind. Positive vibes all around, while addressing issues that we may often ignore in lieu of responding to all the violence in the world…

Thank you to ShaneLTaylor for the incredible beat, his soundcloud is

Be on the lookout for my 1st mixtape Pure Black… Created a few tracks for it and its upcoming.

If you enjoyed any part of this song, or have any critiques, please share it with me! Also, don’t be shy to repost or like this song either. Thanks!

#audio #Drum Bass #Happy #Hip #Hop #Soulful #Soul #Politics #Heart #New #Wave #Spirituality #Home #Beautiful #Raw #Life #Live #Light