Luke (Prod. By King Valor)

Published by David Dorian

  • 1 credits

To celebrate the end of finals and the Christmas break beginning here’s something to vibe out to!. It’s another song on the upcoming tape, Long Walks on Shaky Bridges, the journey isn’t over. This song was inspired by a word talking about the Garden that we hold within us and how at times we don’t tend to it the way that we should but we still expect to grow and flourish. We need to tend to our garden daily in order for progress to occur no matter the weather. So this just calls us to always be on fire for the Lord and not LukeWarm like the word encourages us to. Spread this out and wait on more. Stay Holy and Humble!

-David Dorian

P.s by Luke i mean lukewarm not the evangelist/gospel writer.

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