Building Websites that Don't Suck (Seriously) Tired of boring websites that vanish in the digital abyss? Fret no more! With 7 years of experience, I'm your one-stop shop for: • Websites that Convert: Let's ditch the snooze-fest and create experiences that turn visitors into fans (and customers!) • WordPress Wizardry: Uncover the hidden potential of your WordPress site with custom themes and plugins that make you stand out. • PHP & Laravel Power: Building robust web apps with the right tools for the job. Think fast, secure, and scalable. • SEO & Digital Marketing Ninja: I speak the language of Google and can help your website dominate search results. Ready to ditch the website wasteland? Let's chat!


Building Websites that Don't Suck (Seriously) Tired of boring websites that vanish in the digital abyss? Fret no more! With 7 years of experience, I'm your one-stop shop for: • Websites that Convert: Let's ditch the snooze-fest and create experiences that turn visitors into fans (and customers!) • WordPress Wizardry: Uncover the hidden potential of your WordPress site with custom themes and plugins that make you stand out. • PHP & Laravel Power: Building robust web apps with the right tools for the job. Think fast, secure, and scalable. • SEO & Digital Marketing Ninja: I speak the language of Google and can help your website dominate search results. Ready to ditch the website wasteland? Let's chat!

Available to hire
credit-card $250 per day ($31.25 per hour)

Building Websites that Don’t Suck (Seriously)

Tired of boring websites that vanish in the digital abyss? Fret no more! With 7 years of experience, I’m your one-stop shop for:

• Websites that Convert: Let’s ditch the snooze-fest and create experiences that turn visitors into fans (and customers!)

• WordPress Wizardry: Uncover the hidden potential of your WordPress site with custom themes and plugins that make you stand out.

• PHP & Laravel Power: Building robust web apps with the right tools for the job. Think fast, secure, and scalable.

• SEO & Digital Marketing Ninja: I speak the language of Google and can help your website dominate search results.

Ready to ditch the website wasteland? Let’s chat!

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Masters Degree, Software Program Management at National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences
August 10, 2018 - September 22, 2020

Industry Experience

Healthcare, Government, Travel & Hospitality, Real Estate & Construction, Retail, Software & Internet, Non-Profit Organization, Education, Media & Entertainment, Transportation & Logistics, Gaming, Financial Services
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