Issues to Be Aware Of When Auditing AI Companies

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If you haven’t seen part 1 or 2 of our interview with Kevin Butler, founder of Centigy, check it out here.

Last year, the EU released plans for new regulations in the AI Industry. We sat down with Kevin Butler, founder of Centigy, to get his thoughts on auditing AI companies.

What does Centigy do?

“Centigy provides AI HR technology consultancy to tech vendors and HR technology users. 

For tech vendors, we can help them become AIA-ready … So a lot of tech vendors are asking the question: are we compliant? What do we need to do to become compliant? And we can help them in that respect and can certify tech vendors to be AIA-ready. 

Now for HR technology users – quite a lot of our clients are in that space. We have clients all around the world, but the UK is really where we’re based. There are a lot of recruitment firms across the UK who are concerned about the tools that they’re using right now and if they’ll actually be in existence when this AIA comes into effect. So, they’re conducting impact assessments: how much of an impact will this have on my business, and then what do we do next? 

… We can help run impact and risk assessments and also value assessments. Are you using the latest and greatest technology? Is it sustainable? Is it ethical? Could it be the right thing for your business now or over the next two to three years?

We can help with AI HR technology advisory in any of these areas.”

To get in touch with Kevin and his team at Centigy, visit their website here.

What are the competitive advantages of being audited?

“Number one, you reduce the risk you’re carrying around, (like) unknown risks. We’ll be able to shine a light on any issues where the software perhaps will not meet AIA standards … You can make those decisions now rather than when it’s too late. 

Two, you’re gonna build credibility. It’s a saturated market, and having that competitive advantage of having third-party verification, that your tech is actually ethical and meets standards, builds credibility. 

Number three, you’re more attractive to your customers and investors. 

Number four, longer renewals and longer-term contracts, which your clients will be happy to sign off … if you can provide assurances that you meet or are AIA ready, to avoid any of that nasty business disruption. 

Lastly, you will win more clients!”

How do you see the role of AI in HR tech changing over the next few years?

“I can see as a result of the regulation and, the work that we’re doing here at Centigy that we’re helping to reduce the amount of bias in these AI HR recruitment technology systems. There’s a lot of bias in them.

They work very well for the majority of people. They don’t work so well for minorities, and people who are entirely individuals and outliers. So, that’s not fair. We need to improve the fairness of these systems for everyone, and AIA and the work that we’re doing here is, are going to absolutely help in the fairness of these systems.

So in the future, it should be fair for everyone … and the second point is that we have had a habit of outsourcing a lot of our work to technology. And while that’s absolutely fine, outsourcing decision-making is a little bit different … the new regulations really proposed that we build human-centric AI … it is humans at the center of things being supported by the power of AI. The recommendations and the efficiency gains and everything else.

Ultimately, (it’s) humans taking care of humans, people looking after people, and that’s going to be a big shift in the development of AI and the role of AI in HR going forward.”

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