Music Video Creative Director for Debut Single

Creative Director
đź’° Negotiable
đź“Ť Dallas, United States
Based in Dallas, United States
Last online 4 years ago

Creative Director is needed in Dallas, United States.

Hi to whoever is reading this, my name is Jayden Allure, and I am a new hip hop/rap artist starting out and would love to hire a creative director to help bring my vision to life. The vision in particular I’m looking for is modern, futuristic-trap. Think Travis Scott videos, but of course a lower budget. We live in an era where visuals are crucial, and I want to work with someone who’s just as hungry as me!

Examples of visuals;

Rubi Rose - He In His Feelings
Bree Runway - Gucci
ROSALĂŤA & Travis Scott - TKN
Mulatto - MUWOP

These are just examples, I’m sure we could brainstorm a bunch of ideas and even create some mood boards.

Are you looking to pay or is this a collaboration?
Pay to hire someone

Is this ongoing work or a one off job?
One-off specific project or job

How would you prefer to pay for the project?
Fixed project total

Enter your job or project budget range? (USD)

Do you have an estimate of the job or project length?
A few weeks

Are you a company or individual hiring?
Personal job or project

Do you need to hire for a specific city, country or place?
Mixed, some on-location work is needed (give location in job description)

When do you want to have the freelancer secured by?
2-3 weeks

What is most important for this job?

How many freelancers do you want to contact you?
None, I want to browse

Do you have a job specification or creative brief?
Yes (please enter this in the description)

Does the freelancer need insurance?
Don’t mind

Where did you find Twine?

Client contact preference:
- Email
- WhatsApp

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Posted 4 years ago

No longer accepting applications

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