Experience Videographer wanted for a video shot a the Blue Lagoon

💰 $2,000
📍 Reykjavík, Iceland
Stephen Doris
Based in Lagos, Nigeria
Last online 3 years ago

Videographer is needed in Reykjavík, Iceland.

We are a new financial business startup and we need the services of an experience videographer

Some of you would want to ask if we have a script for this, yes ofcourse we do have a script. We would be needing 6 - 7 actors in Iceland for the video.

We want the video to be shot at Blue Lagoon though we do not need exclusive use, we would just like to be able to film there.

There would be mostly video, but there will be V/O as well for the parts of the video that cut to screenshots of our website, etc.

As for the drone footage. I think it would be neat to do a pan shot with the drone and the actors at one point. It would only be a very small portion of the video.

This would be a sales video for a website that would probably be about 2 minutes long. We would need an expert editing skills as well with a lot of graphics, etc. We would love for you to manage the project along with a drone footage, actors, and any other digital editors needed.

Please let us know what it takes to do this if you can send us a quote and how this would be achieve.

Thank you.

Are you looking to pay or is this a collaboration?
Pay to hire someone

Is this ongoing work or a one off job?
Ongoing work

How would you prefer to pay?
Day rate

What’s your day rate budget range? (USD)
$300-500 (Industry average)

Do you have an estimate of the job or project length?
Don’t know

Are you a company or individual hiring?
Personal job or project

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- Email
- WhatsApp
- Phone

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Posted 4 years ago

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