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Lauren Lucy Thompson


Lisboa, Portugal
Social Media Freelancer
Freelance Gig, WordPress, Voiceover
Freelance Gig, WordPress, Voiceover
I work as a copywriter, editor, and content strategist. I have 8 years of experience crafting copy for B2B and B2C audiences across a variety of industries. I know how...


Lisboa, Portugal
Social Media Freelancer
Adobe Lightroom, Adobe Premiere Pro, Corporate Video
Adobe Lightroom, Adobe Premiere Pro, Corporate Video
Sou freelance na área da fotografia e video e desde que comecei, também faço gestão de social media e conteudo especifico para redes sociais. Real Estate e design de inte...
UGC Spells


Lisboa, Portugal
Social Media Freelancer
My journey began with studies in fashion styling and creative direction. Guided by a sense of aesthetics, photography skills, and a genuine interest in graphic design, m...
Helena Costa


Lisboa, Portugal
Social Media Freelancer
Adobe Lightroom, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere Pro
Adobe Lightroom, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere Pro
I have over 25 years of experience as a photographer and 7 has a videographer, specializing in a wide variety of events including corporate gatherings, technology confere...
Marta Chorna


Lisboa, Portugal
Social Media Freelancer
Presentation Design, Social Media Design, Email Design
Presentation Design, Social Media Design, Email Design
Let me introduce myself — my name is Marta, and I help businesses grow their online presence and attract clients through creative content and design. My work goes beyon...


Lisboa, Portugal
Social Media Freelancer
Adobe Lightroom, Photo, Social Media Design
Adobe Lightroom, Photo, Social Media Design
I am Elisabet Molla, a 33-year-old photographer and videographer from Barcelona, currently living in Lisbon, with experience in tourism and sales. My professional journey...
Marco Pereira


Lisboa, Portugal
Social Media Freelancer
I hold both a bachelor's and master's degree in the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) field. Additionally, I completed a postgraduate degree in Digital Mar...


Lisboa, Portugal
Social Media Freelancer
Branding, Canva, Corporate Video
Branding, Canva, Corporate Video
I'm Kateryna, a content creator, social media manager, and creative director. My key skills include social media management, content creation, filming, and editing, wh...


Lisboa, Portugal
Social Media Freelancer
Facebook, Instagram, Facebook Ads
Facebook, Instagram, Facebook Ads
I have been working as a freelancer since May 2018. If you are looking for someone who controls and loves social media: Hey! Nice to Meet You :) I'm an expert in **so...
Amanda Le Terrier


Lisboa, Portugal
Social Media Freelancer
Adobe Photoshop, Branding, Photo
Adobe Photoshop, Branding, Photo
Amanda Teixeira is a professional pet photographer since 2015, with a background in creativity, advertising, and branding. She owns her own studio in Lisbon and speci...


Lisboa, Portugal
Social Media Freelancer
I'm Beatriz Esquível Marxen, a dynamic professional with a rich background in fashion modeling, brand representation, and content creation. Fluent in four languages, I've...


Lisboa, Portugal
Social Media Freelancer
Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok
Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok
I am a passionate and creative Social Media Manager🎨 with a proven track record of driving brand awareness and engagement through innovative digital strategies.💡 In ...

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CEO, J B Cole
"I found an amazing designer and she's fast. I now send her my ideas and she transforms them into great design. The collaboration is fast, professional and easy. It feels like she is already part of our team."
Headshot of Achim Kohli
-Achim Kohli
CEO, Legal-i
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Hire the best animators freelancers with Twine.
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