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How To Hire a Graphic Designer in Khulna, Bangladesh
Before starting on your job brief, you'll first need to decide which type of graphic designer you'll need for your project.
For example:
Once you've done this, it's time to start the hiring process in earnest:
Finding a suitable graphic designer:
Finding and hiring the perfect freelance designer can seem like a long and arduous task.
That's why we take care of the hard work for you by matching you to suitable creatives using over ten different criteria.
And that's not all...
We also manually vet all of your project pitches, meaning you won't have to sift through a heap of ill-fitted pitches to find the perfect match.
And that's not all...
Here's a breakdown of how to hire a freelance graphic designer on Twine:
Writing your job brief:
We'll cut to the chase:
60% of freelancers will avoid pitching on your job if it's too long-winded
If you want to attract high-quality pitches from relevant freelancers, it's imperative to make sure your brief is both clear and concise.
This allows freelancers to quickly scan over your brief and determine if they're a good match for the work before pitching.
After analysing thousands of job briefs that have been submitted through the platform, here's our recommended structure:
Who you are
What you need
Your location
The size & scope of your project
References of work you like
Target audience
How Much Does It Cost To Hire A Graphic Designer in Khulna, Bangladesh?
The cost of hiring a graphic designer can vary significantly from project to project in Khulna, Bangladesh.
For example:
If you're looking to hire a fiercely-experienced graphic designer for a large-scale branding project...
...it's going to cost significantly more than hiring a student designer for a simple logo design.
Using the data collected from our network of graphic designers, here are the rates you can expect for a day's work (7-8 hours) from a freelancer:
Designer Level | Junior | Mid-Level | Expert |
Day Rate | $150-250 | $250-400 | $400-800 |
Prices in GBP:
Designer Level | Junior | Mid-Level | Expert |
Day Rate | £100-£200 | £200-£300 | £300-£600 |
For a more-detailed understanding of how much your project might cost, we'd recommend taking a look at the current job listings over on our jobs board .
Frequently Asked Questions
Why hire a graphic designer in Khulna, Bangladesh?
Stock graphics stand out like a sore thumb.
And do you know what impression they give?
They give the impression that you've taken shortcuts on your business.
When a prospective client visits one of your online channels for the first time, the branding and design work will almost-certainly be the first thing they notice.
By hiring a freelancer to create a set of high-quality graphic designs, you instantly demonstrate the time, effort and consideration you've put into your business to prospective clients.
Still not convinced?
Here are three further benefits of hiring a graphic artist over settling for stock graphics:
Stand Out From The Crowd
An original, vibrant and high-quality set of designs is a sure-fire way to set yourself apart from the competition in an instant.
Retain Creative Control
When working with stock graphics you're forced to try and fit your business to the graphics. Hiring a graphic designer flips this, allowing you to tailor your graphics to the goals and traits of your business.
Do It Right
Unless you have significant graphic design experience, it can be hard to come up with a design that best-represents your business. A freelance designer will have hundreds (possibly even thousands) of successful projects under their belt, meaning the project will be in a safe and experienced set of hands.
What are the benefits of hiring a freelance designer over a design agency?
Great Question!
Here are the three main benefits of hiring a freelance graphic designer over an agency:
Agencies are swamped with high overhead costs (such as office space, employment tax and fixed salary costs). Hiring a freelancer cuts out the middleman, meaning you're only paying for the cost of the work rather than the costs of the business.
The vast majority of freelance graphic designers will have first worked for an agency to build up their skillset before going freelance. This means that you'll receive a more-experienced graphic designer for a much better price.
By hiring a freelancer, you're able to tailor your budget and working hours to the nature of the project without the hassle of a long-term contract.
What are you waiting for?
Post a job on Twine now and be matched with high-quality graphic designers in a matter of hours.