The Best Businesses to Start in 2023

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With so much going on in the world, people are looking for ways to make money that don’t involve working for someone else. As a result, this creates more business opportunities. If you’re wondering what the best businesses to start are, you’re in the right place.

That said, it’s essential to consider that there are many different types of businesses you can start, but not all will be successful.

To increase your chances of success, you should choose an industry that is growing and has potential for further growth. You should also consider the amount of competition in the industry and whether you have the skills and resources necessary to compete.

This article will consider these factors as we go through the best businesses to start in 2023. While many of them can begin as freelance jobs that you can do from home, all have the potential to scale into a successful full-time business.

Let’s get right into it.

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Legal Considerations

When starting a business, it’s essential to be aware of the legal considerations. This includes choosing the proper business structure, obtaining the necessary licenses and permits, and complying with any regulations that apply to your business.

It would help if you also had a solid understanding of contract law, as you’ll likely be entering into contracts with customers, suppliers, and other businesses. Failure to comply with the terms of an agreement can result in legal action being taken against you.

When it comes to setting up an LLC for your business, filing an SS-4 for LLC correctly is one of the most critical steps. This document gives the IRS all the needed information to process your application and assign an EIN to your business.

It’s also important to understand intellectual property law if you’re planning on creating a new product or service. This includes trademarks, copyrights, and patents. Failing to protect your intellectual property can result in someone else stealing your ideas and making money from them.

The right legal consultant can help you navigate the process of starting a business and ensure that you comply with all the relevant laws and regulations.

Choosing the Right Name

Choosing the right name for your business is one of the most important steps in starting a company. Your business name will be how customers and clients identify you, so it’s important to choose a name that is both memorable and represents what your business does.

Some directions you could go in when choosing a name for your business include:

  • Using a play on words: This means finding a word or phrase that has a double meaning and using it to represent your business. For example, if you’re starting a home-cleaning company, you could name it “spotless.”
  • Using a pun: This is similar to using a play on words, but with puns, the words usually sound the same as the original word but have a different meaning. For example, if you’re starting a pet-sitting company, you could name it “Pawsome.”
  • Choose a good business name: A unique, cute business name can help you stand out from the competition and make your business more memorable. For example, if you’re starting a children’s book company, you could name it “Books n’ Buddies.”

The Best Businesses to Start in 2023:


The world of podcasting has been exploding in recent years. This is because podcasting is an easy way to create content that one can consume passively.

While anyone can start a podcast, it takes a little work to make it successful. You need to create high-quality content that people will want to listen to, and you also need to market your podcast effectively. However, if you’re willing to put in the effort, podcasting can be a great business to get into.

Speaking about a topic you are an expert in is a great way to establish yourself as an authority figure. This can lead to other opportunities, such as consulting or speaking engagements. You can also generate income through sponsorships and advertisements.

Handmade Crafts

If you are a creative type who enjoys making things by hand, selling handmade crafts is a great business.

The great thing about selling handmade crafts is that there is very little overhead. You can sell your products online through Etsy or even social media platforms.

There are also many different types of crafts you can make, so ensure you choose something that you’re passionate about. If you’re able to create high-quality products, you’ll be able to charge premium prices and generate a good income from your business.

Like any other business, it takes time and effort to sell handmade crafts successfully. It will help if you put in the work to market your products and build up a loyal customer base.


There are so many different types of businesses you can start with eCommerce. You can sell physical products, digital products, or even both.

The great thing about starting an eCommerce business is that it’s relatively easy to get started. You can create a store on platforms like Shopify or WooCommerce in just a few minutes.

You’ll need to invest time and money into marketing your store and building up inventory. Still, once you do that, you’ll be able to generate a good income from your business. Earning money from e-commerce is a great way to have the lifestyle you want while also being your boss.

Video Editor

Another business that is growing rapidly is video editing. With the rise of platforms like YouTube and Instagram, people are now creating more videos than ever before.

If you have a creative mind and good editing skills, you can start your own video editing business. You can offer your services to companies or even create your own YouTube channel. You’ll be well on your way to success if you can stop people in their tracks and force them to pay attention when they see one of your videos.

The great thing about video editing is that anyone can do it entirely from home. You simply need a good computer and some essential editing software.

Property Management

If you live in an area with many rental properties, you could start your own property management business. This is an excellent business for those who are organized and have experience dealing with tenants.

As a property manager, you’ll be responsible for collecting rent, maintaining the property, and dealing with any repairs or maintenance issues. You’ll also need to screen potential tenants and find new tenants when old ones move out.

One thing to consider when setting up a property management business is scheduling. Knowing when you’ll be available to show properties or deal with maintenance issues is essential to keeping your business running smoothly. To this end, using the right scheduling software solutions will be key to your success.

Affiliate Marketing

If you don’t want to create your products or services, you can make money by promoting other people’s products. This is called affiliate marketing.

The great thing about this business is that one can do it entirely online. You can promote products through your blog, social media, or email marketing. As an affiliate marketer, you’ll earn a commission on every sale you generate.

To be successful in affiliate marketing, you need to choose the right products to promote to the right audience and have a well-rounded marketing strategy.

Sell Online Courses

There are a ton of online course platforms that you can use to create and sell your courses. This is a great business to get into if you’re an expert in a particular subject. The great thing about online courses is that one can sell them to people worldwide. You need to create high-quality content and market your courses effectively.

If you’re able to create a successful online course, it can be a great way to generate a full-time income. You can also offer courses for free as a lead generation tool for other (future) businesses. 

Social Media Management Service

No company nowadays can deny the importance of social media. It’s a powerful way to connect with customers and create a brand identity. However, most businesses don’t have the time or resources to manage their social media accounts effectively. This is where you come in.

As a social media manager, you’ll be responsible for creating and managing social media accounts for businesses. You’ll need to create content, engage with customers, and grow the following for each account.

You could even get in touch with companies and help them realize that it’s time for them to hire a freelance social media manager (i.e., you) by showing them what opportunities they’re missing out on.

To be a successful social media manager, you need to be very organized and understand the different social media platforms while staying current with the latest trends.

Virtual Assistant Service

If you have administrative or customer service experience, there are many to consider when it comes to businesses to start. You could create your own virtual assistant business. You could offer your services to companies or even work with other virtual assistants to help them grow their businesses.

As a virtual assistant, you can do various tasks, including managing schedules, handling customer inquiries, and providing administrative support. To be successful in this business, you need to be very organized and have good time management skills. You also need to be proficient in a variety of computer programs.


You could start a successful blog if you’re a good writer and have something of value to share with the world. This is a great way to share your thoughts on various topics and build an audience of loyal readers.

To be successful in blogging, you need to be consistent with your content and post new articles regularly. You also need to promote your blog through social media and other channels. If you’re able to build a large following, you could even make money through advertising or sponsored content, as well as affiliate marketing.

Build and Sell Themes Online

If you’re good at web design, you can start your business building and selling WordPress themes. The best businesses to start usually involve making money online, so this is another no-brainer… this is a great way to make money online, and the right person can do it entirely from home.

To be successful in this business, you need to create high-quality themes that are easy to use and visually appealing. You also need to market your themes effectively and sell them at a fair price. However, suppose you can satisfy these two conditions. In that case, you can create a very lucrative business, especially when you consider that WordPress is currently used by more than 455 million websites on the internet.

Why start a business?

With so many incredible self-employed jobs and businesses to potentially start in 2023, there’s no excuse not to be your own boss. Starting a company gives you the freedom to work on something you’re passionate about, set your own hours, and make as much money as you want.

The benefits of being your boss are endless, but it’s important to remember that starting a business is a lot of work. You’ll need to be organized, dedicated, and willing to put in the hours to make your business a success.

But if you’re up for the challenge, owning your own business can be one of the most rewarding experiences.


Starting a business in 2023 can give you the freedom to work on something you’re passionate about while working your own hours. We’ve given you a list of the smoothest businesses to start, so you don’t have to take a shot in the dark.

Using the above tips to ensure you’re moving in the right direction is a significant first step. Moreover, don’t forget the legal standpoint and ensure you understand what is necessary to succeed when being your own boss.

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Hanson Cheng

Hanson Cheng is the founder of Freedom to Ascend. He empowers online entrepreneurs and business owners to 10x their business and become financially independent. You can connect with him over at