9 Proven Benefits of Digital Asset Management

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Let’s face it — running a business is hard work in the current day and age. Storing a large collection of media (videos, photos, etc.) for websites and social media pages can be difficult. So, what can you use to ease the pain? This is where digital asset management comes in. 

There are many benefits to switching over to a digital asset management system. Whether you’re a big business or just starting out, acquiring these systems mean less stress for you.

Before we get into all the benefits, let’s dive into what digital asset management is and why it’s important. 

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What is Digital Asset Management (DAM)

Digital asset management, or DAM, is the practice of organizing your business’s assets (all of them).

These assets can be anything: stock images for your brand new blog, logo variations, to social media content

A DAM system is essentially an organizational library that gathers all of your company’s files, images, and projects for easy access among your teammates. DAM systems are designed to fit right into your workflow, much like a well-put-together filing cabinet might manage assets in a school. It makes everyone’s jobs easier. 

Why Small Businesses Need DAM

Why Small Businesses Need Digital asset management — messy workforce

For any business, content creation can be time-consuming — especially for small businesses looking to expand. Digital asset management streamlines the process, including content plan creation. This gives you more time to pursue other projects.

Every business wants to achieve great marketing metrics, whether regarding keyword rankings or post engagement. DAM systems help you succeed by enhancing cooperation and reducing the need for teammates to find specific content. This frees up time for projects that have a higher impact on metrics.

Besides that, having a company where everyone is on the same page makes your organization look more professional, which increases credibility. Digital asset management solutions are designed to keep everyone informed. A consistent message conveys the intended image of your brand to potential partners and customers.

How Remote Work Impacts Digital Asset Management

Contact time is limited because there is no real office. This emphasizes the need of ensuring that everyone is on the same page before embarking on projects such as developing new content.

Nevertheless, cloud-based storage, which most remote offices must utilize, does not always provide the security that DAM systems have. A significant advantage of a digital asset management solution is the combination of easy cooperation, and the additional assurance that only your team has access to critical information.

When teams expand and there are more remote workers to manage, DAM solutions such as Dropbox or Google Drive aren’t as suitable. Why? They aren’t designed specifically for teams.

A strong DAM system will be able to house all content in one location that is both accessible and safe.

Benefits of Digital Asset Management for Remote Teams

Benefits of Digital Asset Management for Remote Teams - big teams

Digital asset management systems offer numerous advantages to both remote and in-person teams, but are especially well-suited to remote teams.

Whether you have all of your teammates in the same location or you manage colleagues all over the world, establishing a DAM system is worth considering for a variety of reasons.

Brand Continuity 

Whether you’re creating a blog or managing social media accounts, brand continuity is crucial to coordinate.

When teammates are in different time zones, someone may miss an announcement. Panic strikes! You realise they didn’t see a new logo or brand update, and use old information on the marketing materials they produce.

This can give mixed messages to anyone viewing these materials. A DAM system can prevent that. 

Brand continuity is essential to maintain when it comes to business credibility, and a DAM system makes that effortless. DAM systems keep brand kits together, which also makes brand revamps an easier transition for your team. 

Asset and File Organization

A major benefit of a DAM system is the capacity to search for files.

This means that content creators can search for an image and locate all similar images in one location. This eliminates the need to trawl through unnecessary assets.

This organization is a good example of resource management optimization: an advanced form of planning that takes minute details into account. Effective resource management leads to higher productivity. In this case, no one has to spend time searching for assets scattered across multiple storage locations!

Easier Collaboration 

DAM systems offer easier collaboration, which is especially good for teams that span the globe.

When you use venues that aren’t built for worldwide digital asset management, teammates may be stuck using a VPN to access the files. With a strong DAM system, any member of your team, regardless of location, will always have access to the materials they require.

Being able to leave feedback directly on the projects, as opposed to sending a separate email, can also save time. There won’t be any questions about what aspect of a project needs improvement as it’s clear. 

Asset Security 

Another big benefit of a DAM system is cybersecurity.

Unlike most methods of cloud storage, DAM systems tend to have a stronger verification system when it comes to individuals logging in (or attempting to log in). This lets management rest assured when it comes to keeping unwanted eyes off your assets. 

DAM systems also ensure that only people with editing rights can edit assets and content. This eliminates instances of a teammate accidentally editing something that you don’t have a copy of. 

Repurposing Published Content

DAM systems are useful for easily reusing certain materials into new projects. This can help you restate crucial ideas relating to your company’s mission or reach new audiences you weren’t able to reach before.

For an extra layer of creativity, AI can help repurpose content and assets in unique ways that your team may not have considered before. AI assistance offers a wealth of templates, which means that all of your assets can be put to good use. 

Third Party Integration for Content

Another reason why a DAM system speeds the process from content development to posting, is third-party integration.

Several DAM systems integrate directly with a creator’s content production or scheduling software. This integration eliminates the need to transfer posts to a social media scheduling platform, which saves time.

Content creation tools are popular for social media management and website upkeep. For each tool available there’s a DAM system that can be plugged into it, streamlining the process of file transfer.

When you’re looking at potential DAM systems, take note of what tools your content-creating teammates utilize. This will help you narrow down which DAM system is the best fit for your business. 

Asset Metadata Automation 

Many DAM systems let you employ AI, to give tags and other labels to your assets, further reducing the time. This is excellent for streamlining organizational duties and saving money.

However, human teammates should always double-check an AI’s work. Although AI is great, it sometimes gets it wrong. To ensure the greatest quality, especially when switching to a DAM system for the first time, get double-checking.

Asset Usage Insights

When you use a DAM system, you can see what assets get used the most (as well as which get used the least) which can be good for future planning.

Knowing which assets are used frequently can help you make better decisions when it comes to asset investment, and knowing which gets used the least may help you brainstorm efficient uses for a “hidden” gem. 

Understanding what makes certain assets more usable can aid in data transformation projects. This can help businesses innovate both internally and externally! 

Digital Rights Management 

Copyright is a crucial consideration when creating digital content of any form.

DAM systems keep everything organized so that your entire team is aware of the legal requirements for each asset’s use. Some DAM systems even offer collaboration features with a business’s legal team.

This ensures that the digital rights aspect of your assets remains up-to-date and tailored to your business’s needs. 

Things to Remember for Digital Asset Management for Remote Teams

So, let’s wrap it up, shall we?

Digital asset management solutions are excellent for restricting asset editing to those with the appropriate access.

If you’re storing your assets in other places, it could be easy for people to accidentally edit seed assets, which can be a time-waster if those original files need to be recreated. DAM systems can help you sort through who has edit access and who has read-only access.

Likewise, DAM systems have a higher level of security than cloud-based systems. This makes it more difficult for hackers to gain access to your files, which can provide you with piece of mind while you work.

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Stuart Logan

Stuart, CEO @ Twine

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